Green Finance Group
Green Finance Group gave Gorilla the opportunity to develop a logo that would reflect the nature of the business and convey a sense of wealth and stability.
Green Finance Group gave Gorilla the opportunity to develop a logo that would reflect the nature of the business and convey a sense of wealth and stability.
iLinc hosts unlimited, highly collaborative, online meetings with anyone at anytime. In order to separate iLinc from it’s competitors we built a distinct brand with a high tech appearance and feeling.
The Buccaneer Restaurant is located on a tiny island off of the coast of Nicaragua in the Caribbean. The Island was a haven for pirates and has many ship wrecks to this day.
Drum, Loyka & Associates has been in business serving local clients since 1991. They provide a comprehensive array of design, planning, civil engineering and land surveying services for a wide range of commercial, institutional and residential partners, including private communities, industrial complexes and a variety of commercial projects. This is the second website we have built for them since 2006. This time around we incorporated a WordPress template for easy updating which for this client is important since they take a lot of photographs and have current updates regularly.
Aquasphere® approached Gorilla to build and design a brand mark that would be used on a broad array of products and platforms.
Waterfinder® approached Gorilla to build and design a brand mark that would be used on a broad array of products and platforms.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approached us to develop a small two color handbook that could be passed out in an easy format. Leveraging black and white photography we accented various elements to add contrast and emphasis.